
The sun

I was driving. We switched places as the sun was getting low in the sky. I'm learning to drive a standard so I was freaking out over this and that mistake at pretty close intervals. Yelling and swearing and whining how much I hate driving standard as I stalled in front of another car. The sun was getting lower and the visor no longer blocked it. I was staring into the sun, an abstract reddish yellow ball burning my eyes. We must have been heading west. I squinted at a set of traffic lights in the distance, but the sun seemed to cancel out their colour. Are they red or green? Are they red or green?


Eva was painting the trim on our house outside. It was that time of day when the sun was getting low in the sky. I thought about that the back of the house faced west. She was outside of the kitchen, painting the trim of the triple windows above the sink. I was in the living room and saw her shadow on the opposite wall. A simplified black and white silhouette of an arm and hand drawing a brush up and down, rhythmically. I watched it for awhile, and then I went into the kitchen and looked at her through the window. The sun was flooding into the kitchen like water and the plants on the windowsill were lit up. She was concentrating and her hair was lit from behind and golden.



We go watch the waves a lot. The beach smells clean. When bigger waves come we watch in awe. Even from the windows I watch them. It’s mesmerizing. It’s something bigger. It’s always different. It makes the idea of moods seem natural and necessary.


Bangers and getting egges from douglas.

Lines of birds on wires.

The loud vaccuum.

Wood and waves

Yesterday we stacked half of the four cords of wood that were delivered on Tuesday. It was a brilliant sunny day with the kind of deep blue sky that only comes in September and October. I loved the smell of the wood and the wind, or "the howlin' gale", as Linda describes the Seaforth wind.

Later on we went down to the cove where Dad was surfing and mom was stretched out on a rock in the sun. There were some nice hurricane waves and about 8 people out. I got my suit on and went in but kept getting knocked down. It was fun rolling around in the beach break though.

Dad was happy like he is after a good surf. I missed a good picture of him holding his longboard above his head.

Things feel messy in a lot of ways these days, but I love waking up and looking out at the ocean. Seeing waves through the windows. I also love the mostly empty rooms of our house. You get to imagine them in all different ways when they're empty like this. They're full of potential.

I want this house to be a place for art, writing, music, coziness, activity, rest, solace. I want the seasons to be fully enjoyed and observed here.

We can rise up, we can have our cobwebs blown away by the wind.
